Ride the Bus to Universal Healthcare

Salem, OregonThe Healthcare Movie


Raised of $3,190 USD

Successfully funded on Aug 15, 2013
43 supporters


Select Reward

Get listed as a virtual passenger on the ITS OUR BUS website and receive email updates about the trip

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Select Reward

Virtual passenger plus email updates plus the opportunity to post your photo and/or tell your story on the ITS OUR BUS website

74995 left

Select Reward

Virtual passenger plus email updates plus your photo/story plus a personal thank you on the ITS OUR BUS website

49989 left

Select Reward

Virtual passenger plus email updates plus your photo/story plus get listed on the ITS OUR BUS website as a "Platinum Donor"

9994 left

Select Reward

Virtual passenger plus email updates plus your photo/story plus get listed on the ITS OUR BUS website as a "Healthcare Hero" plus personal phone call from producer of The Healthcare Movie

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Select Reward

Virtual passenger plus email updates plus your photo/story plus personal phone call plus free DVD of The Healthcare Movie plus get listed on the ITS OUR BUS website as "Super Healthcare Hero".

2499 left

Select Reward

All previous rewards plus get listed in the special Leave a Legacy section of the ITS OUR BUS website plus attend a special VIP event when the Drive for Universal Healthcare comes to a city near you

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