The Media, The Public, and the Human Cost of War

LondonDaniel Thornton


Raised of $1,200 USD

Successfully funded on Apr 23, 2013
25 supporters


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Good karma and a thank you from me! You are supporting independent journalism and alternative news sources... this is critical for the flourishing of genuine democracy and public participation in political discourse! You have voted with your wallet and your conscience - thank you so much! I'll email you my gratitude for your support.

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If we reach our Tipping Point, I will start a Wordpress site with a timeline of this crowdfunding endeavor, the inspiration behind the project, some thoughts about the results when they are collected, and further sources for thoughtful counter-narratives and alternative views to the mainstream corporate media. You will be acknowledged in the 'Contributors' link at this site for your generosity and support of this project.

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You will be sent a personal copy of the polling data results when the data is obtained ahead of publication, with full rights to analyze and utilize as you wish, as well as the above.

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You will, if you wish, be credited as a 'key supporter' in the credits when the results are made available to other donors, on the Wordpress site about this venture if we reach our Tipping point, at the media analysis websites named in the Use of Funds section and in articles written by those publishing on these platforms.

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Wow. Thank you so much. I will personally front the remainder of the fees, you will be credited in full on the results when published and in articles written utilizing this data.

I would also be delighted to enter into correspondence with you about further fund-raising for issues absent or ignored in the mainstream, and to discuss this project, the planned website, and broader issues of press freedom and crowd-funding for journalism, in person should you so wish.
Many thanks for your generosity and sponsorship.

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