Teaching the kids of Phapang to read

Port TownsendThe Expedition Club


Raised of $10,000 USD

Successfully funded on Sep 30, 2013
38 supporters


Select Reward

We will send you a thank you shout out on all our Social Media outlets.

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Select Reward

We will send you a personal Thank You.

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Select Reward

We will send you photo and a THANK YOU from the construction site.

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Select Reward

(previous rewards plus) Your name will forever be immortalized on a brick used to build the library.

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Select Reward

(previouse rewards plus) Framed photo of the finished library

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Select Reward

(previous rewards plus) The students of Phapang will send you personal "Thank You" letters

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Select Reward

(previous rewards plus) We will send you a hand-woven shirt made in Phapang.

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Select Reward

(previous rewards plus) You will be invited to a dinner on us at our favorite Seattle Thai restaurant - "Pestle Rock".

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(previous rewards plus) We will create an annual scholarship in your name.

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Sold Out

(previous rewards plus) We will bring you to Phapang to see the library

Select Reward

(previous rewards plus) The Library will be named - "The (your name here) English Library"

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